florist favourites
special occasion

Single Bouquets and boxed Flowers

Bouquets are delivered to celebrate special occasions. Enjoy beautiful and elegant bouquets made with the freshest blooming of the season delivered to you or your loved ones in hong kong.

Flower Subscription

A beautiful bouquet of flowers can instantly make a table more cheerful, and brighten a room. You can choose from our different subscriptions and delivered to you or your loved ones regularly. And if you are looking to have a splash of nature brighten your workspace, We also offers corporate flower subscriptions.
Get in touch with us and we will come up with a flower design that truly reflects your brand.

Flower styling and Installations

Every wedding and event is unique. All of our concepts are individually designed for each client with precision and intricate detail. Our floral designs are an extension of us. We love to create designs that are as unique as you are.

step by step


Ordering Flowers

Pick the size that best suits you. Add frequency and day for subscriptions


Bouquets made with love

Our hand-tied bouquets are thoughtfully made with selected seasonally.


Flower Delivery

Sit back, relax, and your TRAFLORA bonquet will be delivered to their doorstep


Traflora is a flower shop that celebrates the art of living.

In the past 5 years, Traflora has produced crafts of distinctive and tasteful bouquets, flower boxes and a range of decorative artworks.

I hope Traflora can be a little reminder for us to enjoy lives and appreciate the little things that nature has to offer us.

You can always count on Traflora for high-quality services and products. We only work with fresh flowers and plants and hand-pick them upon order.

For corporate clients and special events, we provide custom floral arrangement and decoration services.

We hope Traflora can help you create that special moments you always want for someone you care.

Stay tuned to our social media. We’ll sharing interesting things there.